Southlake Next Gen Minister Search (2024)

Job Title: Next Generation Ministry Pastor
Classification: Full-time, Exempt, Pastoral

Please contact:


Arlington Chinese Church (ACC) is a multi-language (Chinese and English), multi-campus (Arlington and Southlake) church, founded in 1980. God called for the plant of a new campus at Southlake, in view of the rapid increasing of Chinese population and no Chinese church in the area. The Southlake Campus has been opened publicly since July 2022 and many ministries are being developed. With more and more families with children coming to the area and joining the church, a minister focusing on the next generation (age 0-18) at the Southlake Campus is very much needed now. The Southlake campus is currently located at 2801 E Southlake Blvd., Southlake, TX 76092.

Job Description:

The main responsibility of the Southlake Next Gen Minister is to lead and organize an effective children and youth ministry, implementing fellowship, worship, biblical teaching, discipleship, and evangelism. Specifically,

  1. To lead and organize children and youth activities on Sunday mornings and Friday evenings, including but not limited to worship, Bible studies, fellowship, prayer meetings, etc.
  2. To lead, organize and train the teachers and helpers in the children and youth ministry.
  3. To lead and care for the whole family for spiritual growth together, with training and teachings to the parents.
  4. To make disciples among the children and youths.
  5. To lead and organize children and youth activities, such as mission activities, summer camps, community services, outings, family gatherings, etc.


  1. Work alongside other staff as a team, supporting each other, encouraging each other, and holding each other accountable
  2. Guard and protect the unity of the church.  Keep matters discussed in the board and staff meetings confidential
  3. Attend weekly staff meeting
  4. Attend monthly deacon board meetings, and attend elder board meetings as invited
  5. Officiate church ordinances as assigned
  6. Maintain regular office hours. Other than doing ministry outside of the church building, staff are expected to be in the office.
  7. Other duties may be assigned as needed


  1. Beliefs.
    • Needs to hold to the Bible as the Inspired, Inerrant Word of God that is the final authority for Christian faith and life.
    • Has a clear calling from God for pastoral ministry
    • Must agree with ACC’s Statement of Faith
    • Must abide by the ACC Constitution and Bylaws, and the church’s biblical position on social issues.
  2. Special qualifications.
    • Solid and close relationship with God.
    • If married, good testimony in marriage and family life.
    • Ability to communicate well and work well in a team environment.
    • Ability to initiate and develop ministries.
    • Proficiency in reading/writing/speaking English. Being able to communicate in Mandarin or Cantonese is a plus.
  3. Education.
    • A bachelor’s degree from a Bible college or equivalent training.
    • A master’s degree from an accredited seminary in North America is preferred.
  4. Experience.
    • Minimum of two years of experience in children and youth ministry, in the North America context.
    • Minimum of two years of leadership experience in ministry.
  5. Testimony
    • According to 1 Peter 5:1-4, and
    • 1 Timothy 3:1-7

Searching for the Next Generation Ministry Pastor at the Southlake Campus

Job Title: Next Generation Ministry Pastor
Classification: Full-time, Exempt, Pastoral

Please contact:

Ministry Description:

The Next Generation Ministry is to partner with parents to help children and students (birth through high school) become followers of Jesus and know they are loved by God, empowered by His Spirit, and called to share Jesus with the world around them.


  • To lead and organize children and youth Sunday worship, Sunday school, Bible studies, fellowship, prayer meetings, and other activities.
  • To make disciples among the children and youths.
  • To lead and care for the whole family for spiritual growth together, with training and teachings to the parents.
  • To lead, organize and train the teachers and helpers in the children and youth ministry.
  • To start children and youth fellowship on Friday evenings.


  • Someone who holds to the Bible as the Inspired, Inerrant Word of God that is the final authority
    for Christian faith and life.
  • Has a clear calling from God for pastoral ministry.
  • Solid and close relationship with God.
  • If married, good testimony in marriage and family life.
  • Ability to communicate well and work well in a team environment.
  • Ability to initiate and develop ministries.
  • Proficiency in reading/writing/speaking English. Being able to communicate in Mandarin or Cantonese is a plus.
  • Bachelor’s degree from a Bible college or above.
  • A Master’s degree from an accredited Seminary or above in North America is preferred.
  • 2+ years of experience in children and youth ministry.
  • 2+ years of leadership experience in ministry.

Posting Date: 3/24/2023

Let Your Light Shine

Dear ACC Families,

Happy Chinese New Year!

February 5, 2023 is the date of the Lantern Festival, the 15th day of the first month of the Lunar Calendar. The Chinese had a few reasons to celebrate the Lantern Festival (read sources below). Many cultures have used the Lunar Calendar, including the Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Chinese. Lanterns were only lit up during the night when it was hard to see. People have used the moonlight to see in the nighttime for centuries. Light is important for us to see clearly to avoid danger and trouble, but also to see God’s beauty in our families and His creation. 

Jesus is the Light of the World. Jesus is our Beacon and Lighthouse to deliver us from this dark world. He warns us of this world’s dangers, but He also brings hope, shelter and salvation. Jesus also commands us to represent Him and to be little lights in this world.


Matthew 5:14-16 (ESV)

14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Whatever you do and whoever you interact with during your Chinese New Year celebrations, remember to be a light to this world… that your words and deeds may glorify our Heavenly Father. We represent Jesus who is The Light of the World.

Song (YouTube): Light of the World (Sing Hallelujah)

Teacher Francisco

God Keeps Families Together

Dear ACC Families,

In your 2022 year, you may have endured some hardships and celebrated some great news. Some of you may still be going through something difficult and the future is uncertain. 

As I think about Jesus and the challenges He faced even as a child, I’m reminded of several instances in Jesus’ life where things didn’t go smoothly at first.

In Matthew 1:18-21, Joseph was already betrothed to Mary when he discovered that she was pregnant. To avoid public shame on Mary, Joseph was planning to secretly divorce her. But, an angel of the Lord spoke to Joseph and told him that the baby that Mary was carrying was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Joseph stayed with Mary. God saved their marriage.

In Luke 2:6-7, there was no room for Joseph and Mary to stay when they returned to Bethlehem to be registered for the census. However, when Jesus was born, there was a place for Him to lay His head. God provided shelter for this family.

In Matthew 2:13-18, an angel of the Lord told Joseph to take Mary and Jesus, then a toddler, to Egypt to escape King Herod’s decree to kill all the children in Bethlehem that were 2-years-old and under. God protected this family.

God had a plan and purpose for Jesus’ life and He made sure to take care of His Son until His promises were fulfilled. God has a plan for you and your family. Even through difficulties, God can help you in your marriage, your parenting, your needs, and any challenges you may be facing. God can keep families together and He can help yours, too.

Look back on your 2022 and see how God has been working in your lives.

God bless you all and have a wonderful Christmas season as you celebrate His birth. Happy 2023.

Teacher Francisco

Awana (’22-’23): Online Registration

The Awana Fall semester will begin on FRIDAY, Sept. 9, 2022 @ 7:30 PM.

We will have a Parent Orientation on Friday night, Sept. 2 on Zoom. We suggest at least one parent per family to attend.

Awana calendar:

Awana registration for Fall 2022 – Spring 2023 is now open. Please read the following information and click the “Register Here” button below.

NOTE: Registration and Payment are 2 different processes and systems.


The registration costs cover weekly and year-end awards and other expenses. New handbooks are required for every new Awana year. If your child has an incomplete handbook from a previous year, your child must complete that before starting a new handbook.

$30 – before/on August 31
$20 – 2nd Semester Only (begins January)

$15 – Cubbies, Sparks and T&T

$15 – Cubbies and Sparks
$25 – T&T


Reasons your child may need a new uniform (unless you already have the right one):
1. If your child is enrolling in Awana for the first time ever.
2. If your child is being promoted from one club to another.
    – Your child enters Cubbies (3-years old) — ONE SIZE
    – Your child promotes to Sparks (entering Kindergarten) — ONE SIZE
    – Your child promotes to T&T (entering 3rd grade) – will be worn for 4 years
      – Size: YOUTH S – 21″ (L) x 13″ (Shoulder W)
      – Size: YOUTH M – 23″ (L) x 16.5″ (Shoulder W)


$60 = Registration + Handbook + Uniform
$45 = Registration + Handbook

$70 = Registration + Handbook + Uniform
$45 = Registration + Handbook


  1. Click this link:
    • For instructions on how to use the giving tool, watch the “ACC How To Give Online” video.
  2. Click the green “GIVE ONLINE VIA TITHE.LY” button on the web page to access the giving tool.
  3. ENTER the total amount for ALL of the children you are registering.
  4. CHOOSE “Awana” in the “To:” field. (see picture below)
  5. Do NOT click “Recurring Giving”.
  6. Enter your contact and payment information.
  7. You do not have to click “Cover Fees”.
  8. INCLUDE the name of your child(ren) in the Notes/Memo field. (see picture below)
  9. CLICK the green “Give $##.##” button to submit your payment. (see picture below)

For more information, contact Pastor Francisco at

2022春季主日學 2/6-5/1

報名方法 :


初信班 – 新約綜覽新約研讀第一部分:兩約之間,四福音和使徒行傳董曉渭姊妹 (國)
進深班以弗所書探索溫正祥弟兄 (國)
進深班利未記梁偉儀傳道 (國)
進深班壞鬼釋經主日學黃浩哲弟兄 (粵) (2/6 – 3/6)
進深班歌羅西書探索邵樟平老師 (粵) (4/3 – 5/1)

秋季主日學 9/19 – 12/12/2021

「壞鬼釋經」主日學 黃浩哲弟兄 (國)

  • 9:30am – 10:45am
  • Meeting ID: 848-3176-6285
  • Passcode: Sunday
  • 實體: A230 教室

守望廿載 (下) Rm 225 謝文輝弟兄 (國)

以西結蒙神差遣作先知。於迦巴魯河邊傳講神的信息廿年。更寫下以西結書。全書四十八章,以散文為主。穿插著比喻、異象、表徵性動作,藉這些富有啟示性的動作,表達神的信息 。 但全書結構簡單鮮明,主題清晰。

在這季的課程中,藉著讀經、探索和討論 。認識本書大綱丶主旨丶背景和寫作目的。更希望能明白書中所記載的一個普世基督徒的盼望、一個歷年猶太人的期待。而且,我們更加知道祂是耶和華。

羅馬書探索 Rm 221 溫正祥弟兄 (國)

保羅最後一次來到哥林多時,已是一位近六旬的老人,在20多年的宣教旅行中受盡了苦難。他準備乘船去耶路撒冷,完成第三次的佈道旅程,經哥林多時在該猶弟兄的接待中。(主後57年,16:23) 他回想過去兩年多在以弗所的學房與各方哲士天天辯論主的道,便在這難得的安靜時光裡,在聖靈帶領下,細心的闡述福音的論証,寫成了這本稱為基督教憲章的書信。




在主日外,本課每日要藉LINE & WECHAT發出去年在兩大群族分享的羅馬書66專題,一天一篇。

大先知書概論 (五個星期天完成) Rm 230 李海狄姊妹 (國)




利未記 Rm 207 梁偉儀傳道 (粤)

你知道嗎? 利未記在五經中是最重要的一卷; 利未記是現代猶太兒童五歲開始上學校時所讀的第一本書; 塔木德 (Talmud- 猶太拉比寫的釋經書)超過一半的內容都是在解釋利未記; 利未記是五經的核心; 五經的作者用了126章記載四十年的曠野生活,其中的一個月, 就用了27章來記載。


你知道嗎?利未記對信徒有多重要; 利未記是神親自說話,二十七章中,只有兩段經文除外,全部都是神親自的說話; 利未記是祭司傳統的核心; 新約的救贖,認罪,悔改,赦免的理解,都是傳承利未記重要的神學思想。

希伯來書第十章解釋「影兒」(律法)是「真像」(耶穌基督)的反映, 但若沒有明白影兒,對真像的理解也不全面。所以這堂主日學,我們嘗試去學習明白祭司傳統的神學與我們的關係。

Hybrid Awana banner

Awana Hybrid (’21-’22): Online Registration

The Awana Fall semester will begin on FRIDAY, Sept. 10 @ 7:30 PM.

Parent Orientation will be held on FRIDAY, Sept. 3 @ 7:30 PM on Zoom.
This is a mandatory meeting for parents who registered their children.

Cubbies will start the Fall semester on Zoom. Cubbies may switch to Spring in-person meetings depending on the COVID situation.
Sparks and T&T will start the Fall semester in person and virtual.

COVID Safety Policy
With COVID cases and the virus variants still active and on the rise, we are using safety precautions per CDC guidelines. We know that schools are opening back up with lesser restrictions than last year, including optional masks in the classrooms. With lower restrictions in the public schools, we anticipate a rise in cases as COVID will probably spread much faster. For that reason, the safety protocols for Awana will be more strict as we want to keep the clubbers safe, AS WELL AS the volunteers.

The Kids Ministry COVID Safety Policy is a supplement to the ACC safety policy, so we are trying to keep our protocols consistent. They are subject to change as the situation changes.

Contact Tracing
If you or your child test positive for COVID-19 (lab tested) after attending an Awana night, please email Pastor Francisco, text him, or notify the church about the positive COVID test so we can begin contact tracing other families. Your health situation and positive test will remain confidential unless you choose for ACC to share your name.
Mobile: 214-693-5901

Changes in Awana
1. Parent Participation: We are requiring parents to participate in helping in Cubbies, Sparks and T&T.
2. Parent Orientation: As part of parent participation, we will have a mandatory Parent Orientation for all parents on Friday night, Sept. 3 on Zoom. We know some parents have kids in different clubs, so we are flexible with your schedule.
3. Character Recognition: We will not have a Clubber of the Month or Year anymore. We will recognize specific character qualities, gifts, and other efforts of all the clubbers, not just one in each group.
4. 6th Grade Student Leader: T&T 6th Graders have the opportunity to assist all club leaders during Awana if they can self-manage and keep up with their Awana handbook.
5. Awana Theme Nights: There are theme nights throughout the calendar for kids to participate in. If clubbers participate, they can earn additional Awana shares.


The registration costs cover weekly and year-end awards and other expenses. New handbooks are required for every new Awana year. If your child has an incomplete handbook from a previous year, your child must complete that before starting a new handbook.

$30 – before/on August 31
$20 – 2nd Semester Only (begins January)

$15 – Cubbies, Sparks and T&T

$15 – Cubbies and Sparks
$25 – T&T

Reasons your child may need a new uniform (unless you already have the right one):
1. If your child is enrolling in Awana for the first time ever.
2. If your child is being promoted from one club to another.
    – Your child enters Cubbies (3-years old) — ONE SIZE
    – Your child promotes to Sparks (entering Kindergarten) — ONE SIZE
    – Your child promotes to T&T (entering 3rd grade) – will be worn for 4 years
      – Size: YOUTH S – 21″ (L) x 13″ (Shoulder W)
      – Size: YOUTH M – 23″ (L) x 16.5″ (Shoulder W)

$60 = Registration + Handbook + Uniform
$45 = Registration + Handbook

$70 = Registration + Handbook + Uniform
$45 = Registration + Handbook


  1. Click this link:
    • For instructions on how to use the giving tool, watch the “ACC How To Give Online” video.
  2. Click the green “GIVE ONLINE VIA TITHE.LY” button on the web page to access the giving tool.
  3. ENTER the total amount for ALL of the children you are registering.
  4. CHOOSE “Awana” in the “To:” field. (see picture below)
  5. Do NOT click “Recurring Giving”.
  6. Enter your contact and payment information.
  7. You do not have to click “Cover Fees”.
  8. INCLUDE the name of your child(ren) in the Notes/Memo field. (see picture below)
  9. CLICK the green “Give $##.##” button to submit your payment. (see picture below)

Click to Register Online

For more information, contact Pastor Francisco at