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English Worship 2022-11-06

November 6, 2022 @ 11:00 AM 12:30 PM CST

Worship in SongWorship Team
CommunionPastor Kevin
Message Late Game Adjustments Isaiah 30: 1-18Pastor Jason
AnnouncementsPastor Kevin
*BenedictionPastor Jason

The preaching theme of the year 2022 is “Why Church?” Through the Book of Acts
and Ecclesiology, we will learn the meaning of the church that God created, and
how we can worship God, grow in spirit, and share the gospel together.


  1. The Election Day of America’s midterm elections is on November 8th. We encourage you to cast your ballot!
  2. On 11/13, next Sunday, ACC will have baptisms!
  3. The church’s library will reopen on 11/13! We are thankful for the library staff’s hard work over the past few months. We are very excited to show you a redesigned library, and we are looking forward to seeing brothers and sisters enjoy the library again! There will be small gifts on the day of reopening, while supplies last. Library opening hours: 12:40 – 3:00pm every Sunday; 12:30 – 2:00pm every Thursday.
  4. Food Distribution will be on 11/19 Saturday. Please scan the QR code to serve together, access
    code: Godisgood
  5. Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child are available in the lobby. Please leave a $2 donation for each box you take and return that box filled with gifts to bless a needy child by Sunday, November 20. Our goal is to bless at least 200 children this year.
  6. Please join us for the Thanksgiving Prayer Meeting and Potluck dinner. Time: 6:00-9:00pm, 11/23
    (Wednesday); Location: Fellowship Hall; Arrangement: 6:00 -7:00 pm Potluck Dinner; 7:30-9:00 pm
    Prayer Meeting. Please use the link or QR code to register. In the comments, specify the number of people in your family who will be joining and what dish you will bring like meat, vegetable, noodle, dessert, fruit, drink, or snack. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050a45aba62ca1f85-
  7. ACC Sunday Lunch. Sign up each week by Wednesday. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050a45aba62ca1f85-accsunday
  8. You may give your offerings in-person, through mail, or online through ACC’s website.
  9. If you have any kind of needs, please contact our pastoral staff.

Thanksgiving & Prayer

Pray for church:

  1. We will continue hold on to the mission that God have our church which is to lead non-believers to
    become believers and believers to become devoted followers of Christ.
  2. God will raise up new deacons who are filled with the Holy Spirit to serve for the next term. Pray also for the deacon nomination committee to have wisdom as they pray and seek the Lord’s will.
  3. Southlake Campus is searching for a more suitable location for their meetings. Pray that God will provide in His good timing.
  4. Our church leaders (staff, elders, and deacons) to be filled with the Holy Spirit and lead the church in wisdom and righteousness.
    Pray for the body:
  5. Praise God! Doctors has addressed Pastor Kai’s fever related issues and now he is recovering and has been transferred to skilled nursing home. Continue to pray for miraculous healing for Pastor
    Kai. Pray also for Kythrine as she is adjusting in this difficult time.
  6. Jike W. has recovered well from her kidney problems and brain hemorrhage. She has been released from the hospital. Pray that she will fully recover and that this problem will not occur again.
  7. Peter W. has shown some significant improvement from his stroke. He is doing rehab to learn to use his left leg. Pray for peace, joy for the whole family and full recovery for Peter.
  8. Hilary Y. has returned to HK to be with her mom who is in hospice care. Pray for her mom’s salvation.
  9. Pray for salvation and healing for Joanne Y.’s father and Jie H.’s mom.
  10. For members who have lost their loved ones in these recent months, pray for peace and comfort.

Next Sunday’s Speaker

  • Pastor Jason