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English Worship 2022-09-18

September 18, 2022 @ 9:30 AM 11:00 AM CDT

Worship in SongWorship Team
Prayers for the Unreached
Message Paul’s Home Stretch Acts 20Pastor Kevin
AnnouncementsPastor Jason
*BenedictionPastor Jason

The preaching theme of the year 2022 is “Why Church?” Through the Book of Acts
and Ecclesiology, we will learn the meaning of the church that God created, and
how we can worship God, grow in spirit, and share the gospel together.


  1. Find the daily update of 2022 Mid-US Short-term Missions team here. https://accdfw.elvanto.net/posts/2022-mid-us-short-term-missions/
  2. Food Distribution. ACC is serving the community on the 4th Saturday of every month, please scan the QR code to serve together, access code: Godisgood
  3. ACC Sunday Lunch. Sign up each week by Wednesday to let us know that you and your family will be joining us for lunch. Use the link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050a45aba62ca1f85accsunday
  4. You may give your offerings in-person, through mail, or online through ACC’s website.
  5. If you have any kind of needs, please contact our pastoral staff.

Thanksgiving & Prayer

  1. Pray for God’s comfort, strength, and protection in our hearts.
  2. Pray for the Elders, Deacons, Staff, and small group leaders to have wisdom and sensitivity to God’s guidance.
  3. Pray for the church ministry in Arlington and Southlake that God continues to use as His witness.
  4. Pray for the Church ministries:
    ➢ Pray for the Mid-US short-Term mission team come back home safely.
    ➢ Pray for Southlake campus’ street evangelism on 9/24.
    ➢ As the Fall semester starts, pray for all the student ministries, small groups, and Sunday school.
    ➢ Praise God we have new volunteers to join to serve in the children’s ministry.
  5. Please pray for brothers and sisters:
    ➢ Pray for Pastor Kai, Kythrine, and the family:
    ▪ Tests indicate that Pastor Kai’s brain activity is having seizures, although it does not show on the body. Pray for a quick resolution, so it does not impede his progress.
    ▪ Pastor Kai may have some indications of pneumonia; pray for the treatments towork and clear this.
    ▪ Continue to pray for Kythrine’s and Jane’s blood pressure to remain stable.
    ➢ Wayne and Christina Y. will take a mission trip to Malaga, Spain (9/30-10/20/22) to work with Christar (an evangelical organization) and their African refugees. Pray for knowing God’s will and safety.
    ➢ Pray for God’s healing of Raymond W.’s heart artery occlusive.
    ➢ Chuck L.’s father (in Hong Kong) was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Chuck will go back to Hong Kong. Chuck’s mother-in-law (in Beijing) was also diagnosed with cancer. Please for the whole family with God’s peace and comfort. Chuck is the landlord of SL Campus building.
    Pray for those who are battling cancer: Hsiao-Lan, David C., Shumeng.

Next Sunday’s Speaker

  • Isak Lee