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Joint Worship 聯合崇拜 2021-10-03

October 3, 2021 @ 10:00 AM 12:30 PM CDT

ACC 41 Anniversary
頌讚 Worship in Song領會/會眾 Worship Team
主餐 Communion蔡牧師 Pastor Jason
奉獻 offering會眾 Congregation
獻詩 Choral Choir兒童詩班 Children’s Choir
三一頌 Doxology 會眾 Congregation
證道 Message
“Another year older, what’s next?”
腓立比書 Philippians 3:12-16; 4:2-3
楊長老 Elder Kai
回應詩歌 Hymn of Response會眾 Congregation
歡迎/報告 AnnouncementPastor Kevin
切蛋糕 Cut the Cake
祝福 Benediction 楊長老 Elder Kai

報告 Announcement

  1. 我們歡迎 DBU 學生,予嘉小姐於上主日蒞臨與我們一起實體敬拜。
  2. CMC(華人差傳大會)將於 12 月 28 日至 29 日舉辦全球線上大會。另外也有專門給 7-12 年級的青少年的大會。 ACC 已購買集體票,想參加的人請發送電子郵件至 Jason 牧師 (jastsai@gmail.com)。
  3. ACC 兒童部主日上午 9:30 需要小學、幼兒班、和嬰兒班教師。並在上午 11:15 需要幼兒班、和嬰兒班教師。請聯繫 Francisco 梁傳道,電郵至 fleungacc@gmail.com 以獲取更多信息。
  4. ACC 秋季節慶:兒童事工將於 10 月 23 日下午 5 點至 7 點在 ACC 的草坪舉辦秋季節慶。請點以下的鏈接作家庭註冊https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe7fud4FO6y7CjEiCvVutHoWqZgj0LmINehrsDphg4mk-KIWw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0。 如果你有任何問題或疑問,請聯繫以諾,電郵至 enochng80908@gmail.com
  5. 雅靈頓中文堂欠缺人手服事敬拜、音控、投射影片和翻譯,請有意願的弟兄姐妹與敎牧同工聯絡。
  6. 鼓勵大家參加週三禱告會, 與不同語言的弟兄姊妹一起為教會禱告。
  7. 弟兄姊妹的奉獻可直接寄至教會、或透過教會網站奉獻。
  8. 若弟兄姊妹有任何需要的話,請務必與教牧同工聯絡。
  1. We welcome Isabel L. joining the Chinese Worship last Sunday.
  2. CMC (Chinese Mission Conference) will be hosting a global virtual conference on Dec 28-29. There will be a separate conference for youths from 7-12th grade. ACC has reserved a limited amount of tickets for those who would like to attend. To reserve a ticket, please email Pastor Jason (jastsai@gmail.com).
  3. ACC Children Ministry needs Teachers at 9:30 AM for Grade School, Preschool, & Nursery and at 11:15 AM for Preschool, & Nursery. Please contact Pastor Francisco at fleungacc@gmail.com for more information.
  4. ACC Fall Festival: Children Ministry will be hosting a Fall Festival on Oct 23 from 5 to 7pm at the lawn outside of the church. Please register your family using the provided QR code or click on this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe7fud4FO6y7CjEiCvVutHoWqZgj0LmINehrsDphg4mk-KIWw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Enoch Ng at enochng80908@gmail.com.
  5. We encourage everyone to participate in our prayer meetings on Wednesdays with brothers and sisters in different languages.
  6. If you have any kinds of needs, please contact our pastoral staff.
  7. During this period of time, please continue to send your offerings either through mail or give online through ACC’s website.

感恩及代禱 Thanksgiving & Prayer

  1. 請記念 COVID-19 的疫情,求神幫助,願祂的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。
  2. 為在海外的同工禱告,願天父保守帶領:Leeling, Dorothy, Dean &Penny, Derek & Chantal。
  3. 請為南湖建立分堂的事工和人力資源禱告。
  4. 繼續為病患肢體的康復代禱,求主看顧醫治:石路,賈敏,述孟,玲玲,Edmund 的妹妹,Brenda, Johnny, Yu-Chun, 和 Chantal。
  5. 請為懷孕中的母親代禱: Saomony, Tiffani, Ariella, Emilia, 和 Romi。
  1. Please continue praying for the pandemic. Pray that people will experience God’s mercy through salvation and healing.
  2. Please pray for our overseas workers’ health and ministries: Leeling, Dorothy, Dean & Penny, Derek & Chantal.
  3. Please pray for Southlake campus ministry and needs.
  4. Pray for God’s healing grace for those who are sick in our midst: Lucy, James, Shumeng, Ling-ling (Helen’s sister-in-law), Edmund’s younger sister, Brenda, Johnny, Yu-Chun, and Chantal.
  5. Pray for our expectant mothers: Saomony, Tiffani, Ariella, Emilia, and Romi.



奉獻網站: tithe.ly

Next Sunday’s English Worship Speaker:

Danny Wong

Online Offering App: tithe.ly