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Christmas Joint Event 聖誕聯合崇拜 2022-12-25

December 25, 2022 @ 10:00 AM 12:00 PM CST

歡迎與牧禱 Welcome & Opening Prayers徐傳道 Pastor Wanxing
聖誕獻詩 Christmas Worship敬拜團隊 Worship Team
證道 Message
「耶穌我們的安慰者」路 2:25-32 “Jesus Our Comforter” Luke 2:25-32
沈牧師 Pastor Simon
回應詩歌 Response Song會眾 Congregation
奉獻 Offering會眾 Congregation
三一頌 Doxology會眾 Congregation
報告 Announcement何長老 Elder Shum
*祝福 Benediction蔡牧師 Pastor Jason

2022 年度教會的講道主題是“教會?” 我們將通過《使徒行傳》和神學教會論的内容再次認識神所設立的教會的意義,以及我們應該如何在教會中敬拜神,屬靈成長,廣傳福音。

報告 Announcement

  1. 感謝主,825 Oakwood Lane 房產買入順利完成! 求主使用它,成就神 的事工。
    Praise God that the 825 Oakwood Lane purchase has been completed! May God use this property to accomplish His work.
  2. 睽違近三年的詩班預計在二零二三年一月重啟,熱烈歡迎舊詩班成員及有負擔的弟兄姊妹加入事奉的行列。詳情與報名請聯絡:苗穎 ying.miao@email.swbts.edu 或紫雯 tzuwenchen2003@yahoo.com
    The choir is expected to restart in January 2023 after nearly three years. We warmly welcome former choir members and brothers and sisters with a desire to serve in singing. For details and
    registration, please contact: ying.miao@email.swbts.edu (Ying) or tzuwenchen2003@yahoo.com (Esther).
  3. ACC 2023 教會主題是「紮根於基督」。求主使用系列教導讓全教會受益,紮根於基督。
    The ACC 2023 Church theme is “Rooted in Christ!” May the Lord use the series of teachings to bless the whole church to be rooted in Christ.
  4. 週二、三 (12/27, 12/28) 教牧、行政同工調休,辦公室休息兩天。
    The pastoral and administrative staff will be on Christmas holiday leave, and the church office will be closed on 12/27 (Tue) and 12/28 (Wed).
  5. 弟兄姊妹的奉獻可直接寄至教會、或透過教會網站奉獻。
    You may give your offerings in-person, through mail, or online through ACC’s website.

感恩及代禱 Thanksgiving & Prayer

  1. 請爲教會的牧師、長老、執事、各事工領袖、小組長和同工們禱告,求神賜給他們智慧,跟隨神的帶領,有合一的心一起服事。
    Please pray for the pastors, elders, deacons, ministry leaders, small group leaders, and helpers at church to have wisdom and strength from God to follow God’s guidance and serve together with unity.
  2. 請為南湖的事工禱告。為繼續使用 STA 和尋求新場地禱告。
    Please pray for the Southlake Ministry. Pray for the continue usage of STA and new facility search.
  3. 請為肢體禱告:楊牧師, Peter, Raymond, 曉嵐。
    Pray for God’s healing on Pastor Kai, Peter, Raymond, Hsiao-Lan.